Please note that some of the events diaried have yet to be confirmed (TBC). You will be notified of details nearer the time of each event as it is confirmed. In the meantime any queries or suggestions to John or Angela at ph. 07 576 2864 or
Regular club night, first Tuesday each month at 7pm.
14th to 16th Friday to Sunday - BoP Compass Run
19th Wednesday Mid week meander
1st Tuesday – Clubnight
6th Auckland Dawnbreaker
10 to 13th April - 2025 George Begg Festival in Invercargill
13th April – Waihi Beach RSA Car Show n Shine
16th Wednesday - Mid week meander
2-4th May Madness - Manfield
6th Tuesday - Clubnight
21st Wednesday - Mid week meander
3rd Tuesday Clubnight - Festa della Repubblica dinner
7-8th Auckland Raglan Run
15th Sunday - Mid-morning Navigation Run by John & Ang
1st Tuesday - Clubnight
16th Wednesday - Mid week meander
5th Tuesday - Clubnight
13th Wednesday - Mid week meander
30-31st Auckland Matakana weekend
2nd Tuesday - Clubnight
17th Wednesday- Mid week meander
7th Tuesday - Clubnight
10-12th Friday to Sunday - AROCNZ Festa Annuale – Auckland
4th Tuesday - Clubnight
19th Wednesday - Mid week meander
No Clubnight
13th Saturday - Bay of Plenty Christmas Picnic
7th Sunday Auckland Christmas Picnic
Possible additional events / alternate Clubnights include:
- Technical Night
- Visit to private car collection
- Inter Club Car Display at Omokoroa
More details to follow once events have been confirmed
(A big thanks to the members responsible)
And don’t forget if you think or know of something that may be of interest feel free to contact us.