Most regions have a monthly meeting where club members can meet, share an interest in this marque and enjoy arranged events. The meetings are always a friendly get together and often include speakers, activities, regional news and a chance to purchase cars owned by fellow alfisti. If you own an Alfa Romeo or are simply interested in joining the club, contact your regional representative and attend a monthly meeting. The larger centres meet as follows:
3rd Tuesday of the month,
Please email AROC Auckland for details as the venue varies month by month.
1st Tuesday each month, 7pm. Please contact John or Angela at ph. 07 576 2864 or email
Contact Chris Nicoll, Napier Phone: 027 440 0624 or Email: or Tony Roberts, Napier Phone: 021 133 2895 for further details.
3rd Wednesday of the month. Details will be emailed to members on the venue each month. Meals will be available at the proposed monthly venue.
Those who are interested please contact the Manawatu Area Reps for further details.
1st Wednesday of the month, from 6.30pm
We have an informal monthly pub night meeting at alternating establishments - Backbencher Pub, 34 Molesworth Street, Thorndon, Wellington and 109 Mana Esplanade, Paremata.
If you would like to join us, please contact Tom or Rob at
1st Tuesday at 6:30pm every 2 months - venue to be confirmed
Please contact the area rep Mark Quinney either by Phone: 021 114 6709 or email for more details.
3rd Monday of the month at 6.30pm. In order that we can confirm the number for our reservation please rsvp by the Sunday evening prior to or check with local rep Kirsten Duncan-Adams 03 385 7101.
1st Tuesday of the month, Etrusco at the Savoy, 8 Moray Place Dunedin, after 6pm.
Coffee or Chianti and chat prior to being seated for meals around 7pm. Contact Linda Folland Ph: 027 489 3346 or Christine Messer Ph: 027 227 7163